Funny Scenes From Best in Show

Recently we asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their favorite funny scene in a dramatic show. Here are some of their submissions!

1. On Peaky Blinders, when Tommy gave a whole lecture about how there was to be no fighting, then he fought a server who bumped into him:

Tommy points at everyone and says "no fighting, no fucking fighting" but then a server bumps into him and he pushes him


"The 'no fucking fighting' scene from Peaky Blinders cracks me up. Then at the end when somebody bumps into Tommy and he (guess what) fights them just makes it even better."


2. On You, when Joe and Love fought about how to cover up the murder after she killed Natalie:

Love suggests saying that Natalie killed herself, but Joe points out "with an axe?" Joe also talks about putting a different body in a meat grinder (from the season prior) and Love says "are you fucking kidding me? I used that thing all the time!"


3. On The Sopranos, when Bobby mixed up Nostradamus, Notre Dame, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame:

Bobby says Quasimodo predicted everything with the middle east, and Tony says he means Nostradamus, but Bobby says Notre-Dame-us, and talks about how he mixes up the three things


"The Sopranos is the funniest show ever."


4. And when Chris tried to pitch a terrible script to Jon Favreau, who was playing himself:

Chris asks Jon if he's read his script and Jon says the main character is contradictory — Chris asks if he should keep the part about how the character wears taps on his shoes and Jon says "now see, that's the question I was going to ask you"


"Chris trying to sell his terrible mob movie script to Jon Favreau in The Sopranos, and being totally oblivious to how terrible it is."


5. On Angel, when Angel was turned into a puppet for an episode and Spike couldn't stop laughing at him, so we got this great scene of Spike and puppet Angel fighting:

The WB

6. On Succession, when Tom interviewed a Nazi journalist:

Tom asks if the man has read Mein Kampf and the man says a couple times, and Tom replies "couple times? were there easter eggs in there you didn't get the first time?"


7. And basically any interaction between Tom and Greg, but especially when Tom told Greg the story of Nero and Sporus and said "I would castrate you and marry you in a heartbeat":


8. All of Olivia's one-liners on Law & Order: SVU, but especially this one:

a cop says  they caught a perp with his pants down about to "do her" and the perp says he was just trying to help her up — Olivia replies "with your penis?"


"Law and Order: SVU early seasons can get super dark but every once and a while they'll throw a funny line out there."


9. On Outlander, when Claire surprised Jaime by getting waxed:

Jaime asks Claire what she's done to herself, calling her "honey pot" bare, and Claire raises her legs and says she knows and she did her legs too — Jaime says "that's bad enough, but to rid yourself of such a lovely forest, I..."


"The most hilarious thing I ever [saw] on a dramatic show was on Outlander. Claire gets her nether regions waxed and Jamie exclaims, 'Your honeypot is bare!' like it was the most awesome thing ever and wow, that was stupidest line in the history of stupid."


10. On Orphan Black, when Donnie accidentally killed Dr. Leekie:

Donnie says he won't participate anymore and he quits, then slams his hands against the steering wheel, causing the gun to go off and hit Dr. Leekie

BBC America

"There are so many great moments in Orphan Black, but my favorite is when Donnie accidentally shoots Dr. Leekie in the head. It wouldn't usually be a funny moment, but Donnie's reaction and the cheery music in the background make it black comedy at its finest."


11. On Mare of Easttown, when Mr. Carroll told everyone at his wife's funeral about sleeping with Helen, and Mare thought it was hilarious:

Mr. Carroll says he had an affair with Helen and Mare covers her mouth, then later laughs in the car as Helen tries to explain that they only slept together a few times


12. And when Helen was being a typical mom when Mare was going on a date:

Helen tells the man that Mare has told her all about him, and he says "really?" as Mare says "that's a lie, I literally told her about you 30 seconds ago, mom!"


"When Helen, Mare's mom, goes to greet Richard ... and she keeps pushing for them to get together. I laughed so hard. Helen being so invested in Mare's love life was amazing and [a] classic Mom move."


13. On Pretty Little Liars, when Hanna got a little too into her pageant dance with Emily:


"When Hannah and Emily are practicing the pageant dance and Hannah goes way off track from being so angry. I cry laughing every time. When she starts flailing her arms around..its hilarious."


14. On Mad Men, when Mrs. Blankenship died at her desk and the other secretaries dragged her away as Don was in a meeting, and you could see the entire thing going on in the background:

Don looks down as the man next to him notices Joan and a man dragging Mrs. Blankenship's blanket-covered corpse away in a desk chair behind the clients


15. On Criminal Minds, when Reid and Morgan got in a prank war, and Morgan gave Reid's number out to reporters:

Morgan tells reporters his name is spencer reid and then gives out spencer's number and says to call him with questions, and later Reid picks up yet another phone call and says he has a "very special message that your mother is a –" before he's stopped


16. And when Morgan made Spencer and Penelope do a rigorous fitness test, even though he'd already waived it:

Morgan says he had the tests waived and this was just for fun, and Garcia says she'll kill him, with Reid saying if he can lift his arms, he'll hold Morgan down


"Criminal Minds is great at having little moments of humor to break up the dark."


17. On Breaking Bad, when Skyler confronted Jesse about selling Walt weed as he was trying to get rid of a body:

Skyler tells Jesse her name is Skyler white, "yo" and that she's walt's wife, and tells Jesse not to sell marijuana to Walt, and Jesse, confused, just says "okay"


18. And when Jesse has dinner with Skyler and Walt, and tries desperately to make it less awkward:

Jesse complains about frozen meals, saying there's no truth in advertising and that the cheese on frozen lasagna cooks into something that feels like a scab


Especially when he makes this face:


19. Any time Annaliese danced on How to Get Away With Murder:


"I know she's having a good time but she just reminds me of my mom and aunts tryna act cool at my 18th birthday party. It's precious and hilarious."


20. On Squid Game, when Mi-nyeo pushed Deok-su off the bridge after this epic one-liner:

Mi-nyeo grabs Deok-su's waist and refuses to let go, saying they promised to stick together until the end, and she said she'd kill him for betraying her - she then tells him he has a tiny dick and falls back, and they both die


"The actor playing Mi-nyeo in Squid Game cracked me up so hard, it was difficult not to laugh and fist-pump when ... she went out in her blaze of glory on the bridge."


21. On Search Party, when the entire courtroom debated whether they heard "murdered" or "pancaked" on the tape:

a security guard says he heard "pancaked," not "murdered," and the judge takes a poll of the courtroom as to which one they heard


"Search Partydefinitely has its funny moments, but the later seasons definitely get pretty dark. This moment is one of the smartest examples of dark humor I've ever seen on TV. The characters are literally on trial for murder, but you just can't make it through the scene without laughing — it's impossible!"


22. And finally, the whole weed cookie episode of Grey's Anatomy:


Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments below!

Submissions have been edited for length/clarity.


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